social media management

So many entrepreneurs are stressed out by social media because it’s always changing, it requires a lot of time, and let’s get real… you started this business because you wanted to change your world, not because you wanted to spend all your time trying to figure out how to create a reel or researching how often you should Pin on Pinterest.

No matter what level of management you want, I set up all of my packages with the belief that you hold the autonomy of your brand and your business. I create based on best-practices for the platform and you get the final say-so.


You know, I’m a huge believer in creating packages that work for each business and social media is no different. But before we jump into the process, let me create a narrative for you…

entrepreneur A

Meet Kathleen: she owns a gym, she’s in her late 30’s, and feels pretty confident on Instagram but she doesn’t always have the time to create enough content to be as active as she would like.

the solution

I batch create 12 graphics per month for her, she approves them, and then I schedule them to go out on specific days each week. This gives her the freedom to focus on other areas of her business when she needs to. I don’t log in to her account or respond to comments or do anything for her stories because she wants to be engaged in her business in that way.

entrepreneur B

Meet Elizabeth: she owns a custom home furnishing business, she’s in her 60’s and knows her brand needs to be present on social media but she just can’t quite find the time to figure it all out; when she does try something, she ends up getting confused and frustrated.

the solution

I batch create content for her Instagram and Facebook accounts, she approves them, and then I’m responsible for everything from scheduling, posting, interacting, engaging, creating daily stories content, and more. This way, she feels confident in what is going out on her social channels each month but she’s spending a few minutes once-a-month to approve content and she’s no longer stressed out by the ever-changing nuances of social media.

Now, those are just two examples but they tell the story of collaborating in a way that makes sense for each business.

And that’s what I’m all about.









  • Receive a monthly invoice

  • Pay invoice + send any specifics for that month’s content

  • I create the content and return to you by an agreed-upon date

  • You have a few days to approve or note any minor changes that need to be made

  • I plan out or schedule the content as needed

Want to learn how to confidently create and post your own Instagram content? I created a course just for you.

“I’m so grateful to you and your work! I get so many compliments on my page!”


Have we met yet? I’m Claire and I love a glass of wine, coaching basketball, and weekends with my family. But while I’m working, there’s nothing I love more than connecting with entrepreneurs.